

This works now ????

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago

Workflowy viral

sri 9 years ago

Blogging On Quora?

At Quora we believe great writers deserve readers. We make this happen by identifying high-quality writing and getting it in front of large and relevant audiences:

Active writers on Quora average 30,000+ monthly views and 350,000+ estimated annual views. Our most active writers average 90,000+ monthly views and 1+ million estimated annual views. Many great answers on the site go viral -- read by tens of thousands of people.

Today we are announcing Blogs, a new product that will make Quora an even better place for great writing:

Blogs on Quora are great for writers who don't have an audience...

Blogs allow writers to share their knowledge and thoughts in a space that they control, without the structure of the questions-and-answers format but with the same potential for viral distribution and the same engagement through votes and comments.

Blogs on Quora are great for people who (1) don't have a big, established online presence already and (2) don't want to do the time-intensive, heavy lifting of marketing their blog and slowly building an audience. If you are a good writer but don't have thousands of Twitter followers or a big audience for your blog, Quora is an ideal place to write. Your blog will be discovered quickly without you having to do any work besides writing. Writing one great post on Quora will attract a big audience, no matter how many people already know or follow you.

...and also for bloggers who have an audience but want to reach more people

On the other hand, if you are a blogger with an established blog and audience, Quora can provide you with more quality distribution from an audience who we know shares an interest in the topics you write about. Quora covers a wide range of topics -- everything from movies, television, sports, food, technology, startups, career advice, parenting, children, U.S. politics, economics, and major news events. As a result, we have a built-in audience for just about any topic you write about.

Many bloggers already use Quora boards to re-post their blogs and expand their audience. Blogs on Quora makes this republishing experience even better.

How does Quora provide such good distribution?

The power of Quora distribution is driven by the relationship between topics and feed: On Quora, each question, answer, and blog post is categorized by relevant topics. There are over 300,000 topics to choose from. Each Quora topic is followed by readers -- hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people. The topics that you follow determine what you see in your Quora feed. For writers, this means that anyone who shares your topic interest may see your writing, no matter how many people follow you personally.

This is different than other platforms where your audience is dependent on how many people follow you personally.

In addition, because of the way that Quora works (i.e., feed, search, the topic system, other distribution channels), your old posts and answers remain discoverable and re-discoverable as Quora's audience grows.

Our first blog theme: Loose Leaf

There are two choices for your blog's design: a basic themeless view and our first blog theme, Loose Leaf. Loose Leaf has been built specifically for a great reading experience, with beautiful typography and a minimal layout. The new theme has been optimized for mobile browsing, and is readily visible inside Quora iPhone and Android apps (see below).

Many people already blog on Quora using our Boards product. With today's launch, all boards have been converted to blogs.

Mobile blogging

In an increasingly mobile world, we want to make the reading experience just as good on mobile as it is on the computer. Our new Blogs theme has been optimized for mobile browsing and in-app experiences, making it easy to read Blogs on-the-go.

The new theme will be immediately visible within all versions of Quora for Android.

Blogs and the new theme will also be available on iPhone with today's release of Quora for iPhone 2.1. You can download the latest release at: http://www.quora.com/app/iphone

We're also excited to announce our next release -- Quora for iPhone 2.2 -- which makes our writing experience just as good on the iPhone as it is on the desktop. Learn more.

sri 9 years ago

one sentence after another

move them gently from the level of "can't" to the level of "must":

Can't, might, may, perhaps, possible, probably, should, ought to, must.

sri 9 years ago

So where to deploy this text?

I'm at a loss for figuring out where I should deploy all this amazing text that I can generate at whim in order to get more users, or to get one user more fired up for themselves. Where can I really let go and write, where people might actually read it? Reddit comes to mind, can I actually spawn my own r/facevox ?

sri 9 years ago

move them from limitation, to possibility, to expectation.

sri 9 years ago

I know it seems you can't learn a new app now, because you really feel like you've got plenty of ways to communicate. But you might start to feel better when you consider how many times a new communication app has changed your life. And you may start to use that experience to try FACEVOX in the future. It's even possible to imagine that each time you try; you are actually getting a little bit better and better. And you probably realize by now that if you keep trying, and improving, it's only a matter of time before you should see the results of communicating with your real voice to your friends on Facebook. And you ought to realize that because the only way to really fail is to give up, you must achieve success with FACEVOX if you just keep on applying yourself.

sri 9 years ago

workflowy and tags

You can now add #tags and @tags to your WorkFlowy document. This makes organizing things much easier, especially when your WorkFlowy document starts to get large. Type “#” before any word, like “#loveit” and then when you click on that tag, it will display only items containing that tag. Click the tag again, and it’ll remove the search.

Want some suggestions on how to use tags? Here you go:

When will you do stuff? Use #now for stuff you want to do today, and #soon for stuff you want to do in the next week or so. Who’s doing what? Use @Name tags to keep track of who’s doing what. What’s the priority? Use #important for things that will make a big difference and #urgent for stuff that’s time sensitive. How long will this take? Use #small, #medium and #large to keep track of the size of the things you’re working on.

sri 9 years ago

allude to a fantastic set of circumstances that are just around the corner, well within reach of your listener once they take on a certain idea (or get rid of a limiting one).

sri 9 years ago

You seem like somebody that has some goals in life. Somebody that has a fairly clear idea of where they want to go. And you also seem like somebody that has more than one goal. You probably have many goals.

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago

Some hypnotic message I make

Imagine getting a page of content printed out in someone's hands.

They pick up the page and start reading it. By the end of the page, they are convinced that they have to use FACEVOX as soon as possible and as much as possible because they have read something I wrote that compels them to feel that way.

sri 9 years ago


Get your voice back.

sri 9 years ago

Imagination is important.

Since they are using their own definitions, they are covertly and unwittingly going along with what you are saying, since they are using their own, private definitions of the words you are using.

sri 9 years ago

so stupid, selfie photoshop app from china

sri 9 years ago

I miss you John Beppu

I can't wait to start using this more often.

sri 9 years ago

So use a couple of nominalizations in a cause/ effect (X causes Y) or complex equivalent (X means Y) statement.

sri 9 years ago

voxer subscriptions?

"At Voxer for our Business app, we require users to create their paid account on the website, and then they can download the free app and login with their paid credentials. Not the best UX but we skirt the 30%" - comment about app store subscription hacking

sri 9 years ago

voxer for business

Voxer is making its entrance into the business world with a set of new high-end features for its walkie-talkie style, push-to-talk service.

Voxer Pro and Voxer Pro For Business run on Android and iOS devices just as with the standard service. If unfamiliar, the Voxer service is an app for sending voice and text messages. Download the app, import your contacts and then start sending messages. It’s somewhat ideal for this asynchronous world. The messages can be sent without having to make a call in order to talk on the phone. That may seem impersonal but it is a bit like keeping a correspondence with someone.

The standard app is free. Voxer Pro is $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year. New features include an interrupt mode and, the one I love, extreme notifications, which come in as loud repetitive alerts. Voxer Pro Business costs $4.95 per month per user until October 1 when the price will increase to $9.95 per month per user.

Voxer Pro Business also has what the company calls Voxer Pro Manager, a desktop business communications system that provides administration control and visibility into the company’s network with a real-time map with geo-tagged location to help manage employees.


The Voxer service has amassed millions of users since its launch in 2011. It always seemed to me a bit simple and I wondered how much it would last. But how wrong I was. Apparently it has been the intent all along to offer Voxer as a business service. And what a smart move it is proving to be. In combing through all of its data, Voxer has found thousands of people who are using Voxer for their work. As Liz Gannes wrote today, about 21,000 Mary Kay Cosmetics sales people use the service. That shows how deeply voice messaging can spread into society.

It reminds me of my interview yesterday with Carlin Wiegner, the co-founder of Biba, a conferencing and messaging service. Wiegman sold his company, CubeTree, to SuccessFactors in 2010. He explained that the enterprise social networking technology developed by CubeTree, Yammer and the others in the market did very well but they all capped at tens of millions of users. He attributed that to the lack of adoption outside of the young worker set accustomed to using activity streams to message each other. But voice and text messaging has a much deeper market reach. Texting reaches hundreds of millions of people. Messaging systems have that same potential.

Just look at Voxer. In a few years it has amassed tens of millions of users. Social networking services inside the business world have taken years to reach anything near that kind of user base.

And so Voxer surfaces an interesting possibility. Is messaging the killer social enterprise app? If so, then you can expect a swarm of competitors attack this space.

But the big target for Voxer is Nextel, which has amassed a fortune with its walkie-talkie-style service. Nextel represents the old-school heavyweight enterprise systems that integrate proprietary devices for communications. Voxer is replacing the hardware with software, available across any device.

Then there are the Microsoft Lyncs and Skypes of the world, along with Cisco and the tens of thousands of apps from the Twilio ecosystem. There are even the likes of services such as Twello, the Twitter-based voice messaging platform.

It’s a crowded field but Voxer looks like it’s off to a smart start, using messaging for those everyday uses of the modern workday.

sri 9 years ago

voxer for business in wsj

Usage of free and cheap mobile communications apps, from WhatsApp to Skype, has exploded around the world. Tom Katis at Le Web London Voxer CEO Tom Katis But one startup thinks it has a master plan that makes it more of a viable business than all the rest. That’s Voxer, maker of the free walkie-talkie app, which today is launching paid apps and subscription services for businesses. Voxer Pro — which will include “extreme notifications” that escalate if a person doesn’t pick up, and “live interrupt” mode for selected contacts, like old-school push-to-talk — will be a $2.99 in-app upgrade to the free app. And Voxer Pro for Business, which will include an admin portal and a live map of team members, will cost $4.95 today and then $9.95 starting later this year, when additional features come out. Both of those are launching on Android and iPhone today, and coming to Windows Phone soon. Selling enterprise apps and services was the secret plan all along, according to Voxer CEO Tom Katis, who founded the company in 2007 out of annoyance with military communication when he was serving in the U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan. After years of work and scrapped efforts, the current Voxer app debuted in 2011. Katis’s solution lies somewhere between mobile messaging and live conversation, with users able to speed through a voice message and start talking back to the sender live if they are both available. “It’s hard to explain intellectually, even though the app is simple to use,” Katis said. “So we just launched the free version so people would think it was useful.” VoxerProAlong the way, Voxer got caught up in the consumer mobile messaging craze. It had the 13th most-downloaded iOS app in 2012. And it raised $30 million from Institutional Venture Partners, Intel and other investors when it was shooting up the growth charts. But those investors were clued in on the plan to eventually sell Voxer to “people who value response time over etiquette,” such as those working in a trucking business, driving taxis or serving in the military, according to Katis. “Going after consumers is a race to the bottom,” Katis argued. “We’re not just another texting app. We increase productivity in ways that nothing else satisfies.” When Voxer mapped out its users’ social graphs, it found dense networks of people who were already putting the product to work. For instance, 21,000 Mary Kay cosmetics sales reps were already using the service, Katis said. Voxer Pro beta testers include a cab company in New York and a window-cleaning company in Seattle. Katis said he would like to build the Nextel of the future, with a lucrative business model supported by loyal users of this near-live mobile technology — for which Voxer has some 94 issued patents. The key to understanding Voxer, Katis said, is how fast it transitions users into live conversations. Today, when a Voxer user stops pushing the record button, their correspondent usually starts talking within two to four seconds. “The more it’s live, the more it’s used,” Katis said.

sri 9 years ago

voxer patents

COMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE Publication number: 20130176911 Abstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode. Type: Application Filed: March 1, 2013 Publication date: July 11, 2013 Applicant: VOXER IP LLC Inventor: VOXER IP LLC TIME-SHIFTING FOR PUSH TO TALK VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Publication number: 20130172038 Abstract: A network communication device located on a Push To Talk (PTT) communication network and configured to provide time-shifting capabilities to a user of a PTT communication device is disclosed. The network communication device includes a receiver configured to progressively receive time-based media. The network communication device also includes a time-shifting buffer for progressively storing the received time based media as the time-based media is received and a time-shifting buffer controller configured to control the rendering of the time-based media at the PTT device. Type: Application Filed: February 14, 2013 Publication date: July 4, 2013 Applicant: VOXER IP LLC Inventor: Voxer IP LLC GRACEFUL DEGRADATION FOR COMMUNICATION SERVICES OVER WIRED AND WIRELESS NETWORKS Publication number: 20130158988 Abstract: A method for gracefully extending the range and/or capacity of voice communication systems is disclosed. The method involves the persistent storage of voice media on a communication device. When the usable bit rate on the network is poor and below that necessary for conducting a live conversation, voice media is transmitted and received by the communication device at the available usable bit rate on the network. Although latency may be introduced, the persistent storage of both transmitted and received media of a conversation provides the ability to extend the useful range of wireless networks beyond what is required for live conversations. In addition, the capacity and robustness in not being affected by external interferences for both wired and wireless communications is improved. Type: Application Filed: February 14, 2013 Publication date: June 20, 2013 Applicant: Voxer IP LLC Inventor: Voxer IP LLC TELECOMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA MANAGEMENT METHOD AND APPARATUS Publication number: 20130058328 Abstract: A telecommunication and multimedia management apparatus and method that supports voice and other media communications and that enables users to: (i) participate in multiple conversation modes, including live phone calls, conference calls, instant voice messaging or tactical communications; (ii) review the messages of conversations in either a live mode or a time-shifted mode and to seamlessly transition back and forth between the two modes; (iii) participate in multiple conversations either concurrently or simultaneously; (iv) archive the messages of conversations for later review or processing; and (v) persistently store media either created or received on the communication devices of users. The latter feature enables users to generate or review media when either disconnected from the network or network conditions are poor and to optimize the delivery of media over the network based on network conditions and the intention of the users participating in conversations. Type: Application Filed: November 1, 2012 Publication date: March 7, 2013 Applicant: VOXER IP LLC Inventor: VOXER IP LLC COMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE Publication number: 20130041663 Abstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode. Type: Application Filed: October 12, 2012 Publication date: February 14, 2013 Applicant: VOXER IP LLC Inventor: VOXER IP LLC

sri 9 years ago

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/8a4d1de0-6f2d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-31T03:46:45.833Z","modified":"2016-08-31T03:47:28.136Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"8a4d1de0-6f2d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":8025,"y":39159,"z":122,"width":444,"height":495,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"Workflowy viral","format":"raw","content":"

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/c83ea920-6f2d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-31T03:48:29.759Z","modified":"2016-08-31T03:48:42.022Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"c83ea920-6f2d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6892.994140625,"y":39274.99375915527,"z":114,"width":567.5999999046326,"height":199.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"Blogging On Quora?","format":"raw","content":"At Quora we believe great writers deserve readers. We make this happen by identifying high-quality writing and getting it in front of large and relevant audiences:\n\nActive writers on Quora average 30,000+ monthly views and 350,000+ estimated annual views.\nOur most active writers average 90,000+ monthly views and 1+ million estimated annual views.\nMany great answers on the site go viral -- read by tens of thousands of people.\n\nToday we are announcing Blogs, a new product that will make Quora an even better place for great writing:\n\n\n\nBlogs on Quora are great for writers who don't have an audience...\n\nBlogs allow writers to share their knowledge and thoughts in a space that they control, without the structure of the questions-and-answers format but with the same potential for viral distribution and the same engagement through votes and comments.\n\nBlogs on Quora are great for people who (1) don't have a big, established online presence already and (2) don't want to do the time-intensive, heavy lifting of marketing their blog and slowly building an audience. If you are a good writer but don't have thousands of Twitter followers or a big audience for your blog, Quora is an ideal place to write. Your blog will be discovered quickly without you having to do any work besides writing. Writing one great post on Quora will attract a big audience, no matter how many people already know or follow you.\n\n...and also for bloggers who have an audience but want to reach more people \n\nOn the other hand, if you are a blogger with an established blog and audience, Quora can provide you with more quality distribution from an audience who we know shares an interest in the topics you write about. Quora covers a wide range of topics -- everything from movies, television, sports, food, technology, startups, career advice, parenting, children, U.S. politics, economics, and major news events. As a result, we have a built-in audience for just about any topic you write about. \n\nMany bloggers already use Quora boards to re-post their blogs and expand their audience. Blogs on Quora makes this republishing experience even better. \n\nHow does Quora provide such good distribution?\n\nThe power of Quora distribution is driven by the relationship between topics and feed:\nOn Quora, each question, answer, and blog post is categorized by relevant topics. There are over 300,000 topics to choose from.\nEach Quora topic is followed by readers -- hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people.\nThe topics that you follow determine what you see in your Quora feed.\nFor writers, this means that anyone who shares your topic interest may see your writing, no matter how many people follow you personally.\n\nThis is different than other platforms where your audience is dependent on how many people follow you personally.\n\nIn addition, because of the way that Quora works (i.e., feed, search, the topic system, other distribution channels), your old posts and answers remain discoverable and re-discoverable as Quora's audience grows.\n\nOur first blog theme: Loose Leaf\n\nThere are two choices for your blog's design: a basic themeless view and our first blog theme, Loose Leaf. Loose Leaf has been built specifically for a great reading experience, with beautiful typography and a minimal layout. The new theme has been optimized for mobile browsing, and is readily visible inside Quora iPhone and Android apps (see below).\n\nMany people already blog on Quora using our Boards product. With today's launch, all boards have been converted to blogs. \n\nMobile blogging\n\nIn an increasingly mobile world, we want to make the reading experience just as good on mobile as it is on the computer. Our new Blogs theme has been optimized for mobile browsing and in-app experiences, making it easy to read Blogs on-the-go.\n\nThe new theme will be immediately visible within all versions of Quora for Android. \n\nBlogs and the new theme will also be available on iPhone with today's release of Quora for iPhone 2.1. You can download the latest release at:\nhttp://www.quora.com/app/iphone\n\nWe're also excited to announce our next release -- Quora for iPhone 2.2 -- which makes our writing experience just as good on the iPhone as it is on the desktop. Learn more.\n","htmlContent":"

At Quora we believe great writers deserve readers. We make this happen by identifying high-quality writing and getting it in front of large and relevant audiences:


Active writers on Quora average 30,000+ monthly views and 350,000+ estimated annual views.\nOur most active writers average 90,000+ monthly views and 1+ million estimated annual views.\nMany great answers on the site go viral -- read by tens of thousands of people.


Today we are announcing Blogs, a new product that will make Quora an even better place for great writing:


Blogs on Quora are great for writers who don't have an audience...


Blogs allow writers to share their knowledge and thoughts in a space that they control, without the structure of the questions-and-answers format but with the same potential for viral distribution and the same engagement through votes and comments.


Blogs on Quora are great for people who (1) don't have a big, established online presence already and (2) don't want to do the time-intensive, heavy lifting of marketing their blog and slowly building an audience. If you are a good writer but don't have thousands of Twitter followers or a big audience for your blog, Quora is an ideal place to write. Your blog will be discovered quickly without you having to do any work besides writing. Writing one great post on Quora will attract a big audience, no matter how many people already know or follow you.


...and also for bloggers who have an audience but want to reach more people


On the other hand, if you are a blogger with an established blog and audience, Quora can provide you with more quality distribution from an audience who we know shares an interest in the topics you write about. Quora covers a wide range of topics -- everything from movies, television, sports, food, technology, startups, career advice, parenting, children, U.S. politics, economics, and major news events. As a result, we have a built-in audience for just about any topic you write about.


Many bloggers already use Quora boards to re-post their blogs and expand their audience. Blogs on Quora makes this republishing experience even better.


How does Quora provide such good distribution?


The power of Quora distribution is driven by the relationship between topics and feed:\nOn Quora, each question, answer, and blog post is categorized by relevant topics. There are over 300,000 topics to choose from.\nEach Quora topic is followed by readers -- hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people.\nThe topics that you follow determine what you see in your Quora feed.\nFor writers, this means that anyone who shares your topic interest may see your writing, no matter how many people follow you personally.


This is different than other platforms where your audience is dependent on how many people follow you personally.


In addition, because of the way that Quora works (i.e., feed, search, the topic system, other distribution channels), your old posts and answers remain discoverable and re-discoverable as Quora's audience grows.


Our first blog theme: Loose Leaf


There are two choices for your blog's design: a basic themeless view and our first blog theme, Loose Leaf. Loose Leaf has been built specifically for a great reading experience, with beautiful typography and a minimal layout. The new theme has been optimized for mobile browsing, and is readily visible inside Quora iPhone and Android apps (see below).


Many people already blog on Quora using our Boards product. With today's launch, all boards have been converted to blogs.


Mobile blogging


In an increasingly mobile world, we want to make the reading experience just as good on mobile as it is on the computer. Our new Blogs theme has been optimized for mobile browsing and in-app experiences, making it easy to read Blogs on-the-go.


The new theme will be immediately visible within all versions of Quora for Android.


Blogs and the new theme will also be available on iPhone with today's release of Quora for iPhone 2.1. You can download the latest release at:\nhttp://www.quora.com/app/iphone


We're also excited to announce our next release -- Quora for iPhone 2.2 -- which makes our writing experience just as good on the iPhone as it is on the desktop. Learn more.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/becaa800-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:46:55.621Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:47:08.350Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"becaa800-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6146.987609863281,"y":39284.990631103516,"z":115,"width":429.59999990463257,"height":187.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"one sentence after another","format":"raw","content":"move them gently from the level of \"can't\" to the level of \"must\": \n\n#Can't, might, may, perhaps, possible, probably, should, ought to, must.\n","htmlContent":"

move them gently from the level of "can't" to the level of "must":


Can't, might, may, perhaps, possible, probably, should, ought to, must.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/8b492950-6857-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:59:48.194Z","modified":"2016-08-22T11:00:31.358Z","backgroundColor":"#ff9","uuid":"8b492950-6857-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6615.993865966797,"y":39394.99531555176,"z":113,"width":283.59999990463257,"height":199.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"So where to deploy this text?","format":"raw","content":"I'm at a loss for figuring out where I should deploy all this amazing text that I can generate at whim in order to get more users, or to get one user more fired up for themselves. Where can I really let go and write, where people might actually read it? Reddit comes to mind, can I actually spawn my own r/facevox ?","htmlContent":"

I'm at a loss for figuring out where I should deploy all this amazing text that I can generate at whim in order to get more users, or to get one user more fired up for themselves. Where can I really let go and write, where people might actually read it? Reddit comes to mind, can I actually spawn my own r/facevox ?

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/6f3ebbf0-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:44:42.181Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:46:06.887Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"6f3ebbf0-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6366.987609863281,"y":39444.00158691406,"z":112,"width":240.59999990463257,"height":200.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"","format":"raw","content":"#move them from limitation, to possibility, to expectation.","htmlContent":"

move them from limitation, to possibility, to expectation.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/5adb2900-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:44:07.972Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:44:25.638Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"5adb2900-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6086.993850708008,"y":39482.002349853516,"z":116,"width":249.59999990463257,"height":408.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"","format":"raw","content":"I know it seems you can't learn a new app now, because you really feel like you've got plenty of ways to communicate. But you might start to feel better when you consider how many times a new communication app has changed your life. And you may start to use that experience to try FACEVOX in the future. It's even possible to imagine that each time you try; you are actually getting a little bit better and better. And you probably realize by now that if you keep trying, and improving, it's only a matter of time before you should see the results of communicating with your real voice to your friends on Facebook. And you ought to realize that because the only way to really fail is to give up, you must achieve success with FACEVOX if you just keep on applying yourself.","htmlContent":"

I know it seems you can't learn a new app now, because you really feel like you've got plenty of ways to communicate. But you might start to feel better when you consider how many times a new communication app has changed your life. And you may start to use that experience to try FACEVOX in the future. It's even possible to imagine that each time you try; you are actually getting a little bit better and better. And you probably realize by now that if you keep trying, and improving, it's only a matter of time before you should see the results of communicating with your real voice to your friends on Facebook. And you ought to realize that because the only way to really fail is to give up, you must achieve success with FACEVOX if you just keep on applying yourself.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/c0811fb0-6857-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T11:01:17.484Z","modified":"2016-08-22T11:03:11.351Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"c0811fb0-6857-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7035.000213623047,"y":39602.000007629395,"z":109,"width":554.5999999046326,"height":269.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"workflowy and tags","format":"raw","content":"You can now add #tags and @tags to your WorkFlowy document. This makes organizing things much easier, especially when your WorkFlowy document starts to get large. Type “#” before any word, like “#loveit” and then when you click on that tag, it will display only items containing that tag. Click the tag again, and it’ll remove the search.\n\nWant some suggestions on how to use tags? Here you go:\n\nWhen will you do stuff? Use #now for stuff you want to do today, and #soon for stuff you want to do in the next week or so.\nWho’s doing what? Use @Name tags to keep track of who’s doing what.\nWhat’s the priority? Use #important for things that will make a big difference and #urgent for stuff that’s time sensitive.\nHow long will this take? Use #small, #medium and #large to keep track of the size of the things you’re working on.","htmlContent":"

You can now add #tags and @tags to your WorkFlowy document. This makes organizing things much easier, especially when your WorkFlowy document starts to get large. Type “#” before any word, like “#loveit” and then when you click on that tag, it will display only items containing that tag. Click the tag again, and it’ll remove the search.


Want some suggestions on how to use tags? Here you go:


When will you do stuff? Use #now for stuff you want to do today, and #soon for stuff you want to do in the next week or so.\nWho’s doing what? Use @Name tags to keep track of who’s doing what.\nWhat’s the priority? Use #important for things that will make a big difference and #urgent for stuff that’s time sensitive.\nHow long will this take? Use #small, #medium and #large to keep track of the size of the things you’re working on.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/21f9c490-6853-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:28:15.224Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:28:32.304Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"21f9c490-6853-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6614.0001220703125,"y":39604.994537353516,"z":111,"width":247.59999990463257,"height":146.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"","format":"raw","content":"allude to a fantastic set of circumstances that are just around the corner, well within reach of your listener once they take on a certain idea (or get rid of a limiting one).","htmlContent":"

allude to a fantastic set of circumstances that are just around the corner, well within reach of your listener once they take on a certain idea (or get rid of a limiting one).

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/444a07b0-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:43:30.111Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:43:43.376Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"444a07b0-6855-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6344.987609863281,"y":39633.994537353516,"z":110,"width":260.59999990463257,"height":156.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"","format":"raw","content":"You seem like somebody that has some goals in life. Somebody that has a fairly clear idea of where they want to go. And you also seem like somebody that has more than one goal. You probably have many goals.\n","htmlContent":"

You seem like somebody that has some goals in life. Somebody that has a fairly clear idea of where they want to go. And you also seem like somebody that has more than one goal. You probably have many goals.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/d3927070-6854-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:40:20.994Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:43:29.820Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"d3927070-6854-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7948,"y":39722,"z":123,"width":430,"height":480,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"THANK YOU WORKFLOWY","format":"raw","content":"

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/099642c0-6f2e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-31T03:50:19.381Z","modified":"2016-08-31T03:50:29.464Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"099642c0-6f2e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6436.9814453125,"y":39790.98359680176,"z":117,"width":273.59999990463257,"height":301.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"Some hypnotic message I make","format":"raw","content":"#Imagine getting a page of content printed out in someone's hands.\n\nThey pick up the page and start reading it. By the end of the page, they are convinced that they have to use FACEVOX as soon as possible and as much as possible because they have read something I wrote that compels them to feel that way.","htmlContent":"

Imagine getting a page of content printed out in someone's hands.


They pick up the page and start reading it. By the end of the page, they are convinced that they have to use FACEVOX as soon as possible and as much as possible because they have read something I wrote that compels them to feel that way.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/18b69b10-6858-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T11:03:45.482Z","modified":"2016-08-22T11:05:24.215Z","backgroundColor":"#ffd","uuid":"18b69b10-6858-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":null,"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":["goal"],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6720,"y":39920,"z":100,"width":340,"height":100,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"GOAL","format":"raw","content":"#Get your voice back.","htmlContent":"

Get your voice back.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/3a4d2d60-1bf6-11e6-a91c-2ff672f3bf69","created":"2016-05-17T06:11:43.455Z","modified":"2016-05-17T06:12:22.207Z","uuid":"3a4d2d60-1bf6-11e6-a91c-2ff672f3bf69","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6201.000396728516,"y":39926.99612426758,"z":118,"width":226.59999990463257,"height":159.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"Imagination is important.","format":"raw","content":"Since they are using their own definitions, they are covertly and unwittingly going along with what you are saying, since they are using their own, private definitions of the words you are using.","htmlContent":"

Since they are using their own definitions, they are covertly and unwittingly going along with what you are saying, since they are using their own, private definitions of the words you are using.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/6baca240-685a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T11:20:22.281Z","modified":"2016-08-22T11:20:51.531Z","backgroundColor":"#ff6","uuid":"6baca240-685a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7421,"y":39938,"z":104,"width":513,"height":323,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"so stupid, selfie photoshop app from china","format":"raw","content":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmYy-NBZNqU&feature=youtu.be","htmlContent":"

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/899d59a0-684d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T09:48:11.867Z","modified":"2016-08-22T09:48:31.627Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"899d59a0-684d-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7086,"y":39980,"z":103,"width":275,"height":100,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"I miss you John Beppu","format":"raw","content":"I can't wait to start using this more often.","htmlContent":"

I can't wait to start using this more often.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/f87fde30-680a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T01:51:40.476Z","modified":"2016-08-22T01:52:18.888Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"f87fde30-680a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":5977.000305175781,"y":40091.98831176758,"z":119,"width":592.5999999046326,"height":164.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"","format":"raw","content":"#So use a couple of nominalizations in a cause/ effect (X causes Y) or complex equivalent (X means Y) statement.","htmlContent":"

So use a couple of nominalizations in a cause/ effect (X causes Y) or complex equivalent (X means Y) statement.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/acaea1d0-685a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T11:22:11.346Z","modified":"2016-08-22T11:22:44.957Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"acaea1d0-685a-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":6867,"y":40165,"z":105,"width":250,"height":178,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"voxer subscriptions?","format":"raw","content":"\"At Voxer for our Business app, we require users to create their paid account on the website, and then they can download the free app and login with their paid credentials. Not the best UX but we skirt the 30%\" - comment about app store subscription hacking","htmlContent":"

"At Voxer for our Business app, we require users to create their paid account on the website, and then they can download the free app and login with their paid credentials. Not the best UX but we skirt the 30%" - comment about app store subscription hacking

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/0e9fcbb0-684e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T09:51:55.021Z","modified":"2016-08-22T09:52:20.254Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"0e9fcbb0-684e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7130,"y":40246,"z":106,"width":447.59999990463257,"height":377.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"voxer for business","format":"raw","content":"Voxer is making its entrance into the business world with a set of new high-end features for its walkie-talkie style, push-to-talk service.\n\nVoxer Pro and Voxer Pro For Business run on Android and iOS devices just as with the standard service. If unfamiliar, the Voxer service is an app for sending voice and text messages. Download the app, import your contacts and then start sending messages. It’s somewhat ideal for this asynchronous world. The messages can be sent without having to make a call in order to talk on the phone. That may seem impersonal but it is a bit like keeping a correspondence with someone.\n\nThe standard app is free. Voxer Pro is $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year. New features include an interrupt mode and, the one I love, extreme notifications, which come in as loud repetitive alerts. Voxer Pro Business costs $4.95 per month per user until October 1 when the price will increase to $9.95 per month per user.\n\nVoxer Pro Business also has what the company calls Voxer Pro Manager, a desktop business communications system that provides administration control and visibility into the company’s network with a real-time map with geo-tagged location to help manage employees.\n\nvoxer1pricig\n\nThe Voxer service has amassed millions of users since its launch in 2011. It always seemed to me a bit simple and I wondered how much it would last. But how wrong I was. Apparently it has been the intent all along to offer Voxer as a business service. And what a smart move it is proving to be. In combing through all of its data, Voxer has found thousands of people who are using Voxer for their work. As Liz Gannes wrote today, about 21,000 Mary Kay Cosmetics sales people use the service. That shows how deeply voice messaging can spread into society.\n\nIt reminds me of my interview yesterday with Carlin Wiegner, the co-founder of Biba, a conferencing and messaging service. Wiegman sold his company, CubeTree, to SuccessFactors in 2010. He explained that the enterprise social networking technology developed by CubeTree, Yammer and the others in the market did very well but they all capped at tens of millions of users. He attributed that to the lack of adoption outside of the young worker set accustomed to using activity streams to message each other. But voice and text messaging has a much deeper market reach. Texting reaches hundreds of millions of people. Messaging systems have that same potential.\n\nJust look at Voxer. In a few years it has amassed tens of millions of users. Social networking services inside the business world have taken years to reach anything near that kind of user base.\n\nAnd so Voxer surfaces an interesting possibility. Is messaging the killer social enterprise app? If so, then you can expect a swarm of competitors attack this space.\n\nBut the big target for Voxer is Nextel, which has amassed a fortune with its walkie-talkie-style service. Nextel represents the old-school heavyweight enterprise systems that integrate proprietary devices for communications. Voxer is replacing the hardware with software, available across any device.\n\nThen there are the Microsoft Lyncs and Skypes of the world, along with Cisco and the tens of thousands of apps from the Twilio ecosystem. There are even the likes of services such as Twello, the Twitter-based voice messaging platform.\n\nIt’s a crowded field but Voxer looks like it’s off to a smart start, using messaging for those everyday uses of the modern workday.","htmlContent":"

Voxer is making its entrance into the business world with a set of new high-end features for its walkie-talkie style, push-to-talk service.


Voxer Pro and Voxer Pro For Business run on Android and iOS devices just as with the standard service. If unfamiliar, the Voxer service is an app for sending voice and text messages. Download the app, import your contacts and then start sending messages. It’s somewhat ideal for this asynchronous world. The messages can be sent without having to make a call in order to talk on the phone. That may seem impersonal but it is a bit like keeping a correspondence with someone.


The standard app is free. Voxer Pro is $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year. New features include an interrupt mode and, the one I love, extreme notifications, which come in as loud repetitive alerts. Voxer Pro Business costs $4.95 per month per user until October 1 when the price will increase to $9.95 per month per user.


Voxer Pro Business also has what the company calls Voxer Pro Manager, a desktop business communications system that provides administration control and visibility into the company’s network with a real-time map with geo-tagged location to help manage employees.




The Voxer service has amassed millions of users since its launch in 2011. It always seemed to me a bit simple and I wondered how much it would last. But how wrong I was. Apparently it has been the intent all along to offer Voxer as a business service. And what a smart move it is proving to be. In combing through all of its data, Voxer has found thousands of people who are using Voxer for their work. As Liz Gannes wrote today, about 21,000 Mary Kay Cosmetics sales people use the service. That shows how deeply voice messaging can spread into society.


It reminds me of my interview yesterday with Carlin Wiegner, the co-founder of Biba, a conferencing and messaging service. Wiegman sold his company, CubeTree, to SuccessFactors in 2010. He explained that the enterprise social networking technology developed by CubeTree, Yammer and the others in the market did very well but they all capped at tens of millions of users. He attributed that to the lack of adoption outside of the young worker set accustomed to using activity streams to message each other. But voice and text messaging has a much deeper market reach. Texting reaches hundreds of millions of people. Messaging systems have that same potential.


Just look at Voxer. In a few years it has amassed tens of millions of users. Social networking services inside the business world have taken years to reach anything near that kind of user base.


And so Voxer surfaces an interesting possibility. Is messaging the killer social enterprise app? If so, then you can expect a swarm of competitors attack this space.


But the big target for Voxer is Nextel, which has amassed a fortune with its walkie-talkie-style service. Nextel represents the old-school heavyweight enterprise systems that integrate proprietary devices for communications. Voxer is replacing the hardware with software, available across any device.


Then there are the Microsoft Lyncs and Skypes of the world, along with Cisco and the tens of thousands of apps from the Twilio ecosystem. There are even the likes of services such as Twello, the Twitter-based voice messaging platform.


It’s a crowded field but Voxer looks like it’s off to a smart start, using messaging for those everyday uses of the modern workday.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/47408f90-684e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T09:53:30.024Z","modified":"2016-08-22T09:53:47.350Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"47408f90-684e-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7623,"y":40357,"z":107,"width":451.59999990463257,"height":308.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"voxer for business in wsj","format":"raw","content":"Usage of free and cheap mobile communications apps, from WhatsApp to Skype, has exploded around the world.\nTom Katis at Le Web London\nVoxer CEO Tom Katis\nBut one startup thinks it has a master plan that makes it more of a viable business than all the rest.\nThat’s Voxer, maker of the free walkie-talkie app, which today is launching paid apps and subscription services for businesses.\nVoxer Pro — which will include “extreme notifications” that escalate if a person doesn’t pick up, and “live interrupt” mode for selected contacts, like old-school push-to-talk — will be a $2.99 in-app upgrade to the free app. And Voxer Pro for Business, which will include an admin portal and a live map of team members, will cost $4.95 today and then $9.95 starting later this year, when additional features come out.\nBoth of those are launching on Android and iPhone today, and coming to Windows Phone soon.\nSelling enterprise apps and services was the secret plan all along, according to Voxer CEO Tom Katis, who founded the company in 2007 out of annoyance with military communication when he was serving in the U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan. After years of work and scrapped efforts, the current Voxer app debuted in 2011.\nKatis’s solution lies somewhere between mobile messaging and live conversation, with users able to speed through a voice message and start talking back to the sender live if they are both available.\n“It’s hard to explain intellectually, even though the app is simple to use,” Katis said. “So we just launched the free version so people would think it was useful.”\nVoxerProAlong the way, Voxer got caught up in the consumer mobile messaging craze. It had the 13th most-downloaded iOS app in 2012. And it raised $30 million from Institutional Venture Partners, Intel and other investors when it was shooting up the growth charts.\nBut those investors were clued in on the plan to eventually sell Voxer to “people who value response time over etiquette,” such as those working in a trucking business, driving taxis or serving in the military, according to Katis.\n“Going after consumers is a race to the bottom,” Katis argued. “We’re not just another texting app. We increase productivity in ways that nothing else satisfies.”\nWhen Voxer mapped out its users’ social graphs, it found dense networks of people who were already putting the product to work. For instance, 21,000 Mary Kay cosmetics sales reps were already using the service, Katis said. Voxer Pro beta testers include a cab company in New York and a window-cleaning company in Seattle.\nKatis said he would like to build the Nextel of the future, with a lucrative business model supported by loyal users of this near-live mobile technology — for which Voxer has some 94 issued patents.\nThe key to understanding Voxer, Katis said, is how fast it transitions users into live conversations. Today, when a Voxer user stops pushing the record button, their correspondent usually starts talking within two to four seconds.\n“The more it’s live, the more it’s used,” Katis said.","htmlContent":"

Usage of free and cheap mobile communications apps, from WhatsApp to Skype, has exploded around the world.\nTom Katis at Le Web London\nVoxer CEO Tom Katis\nBut one startup thinks it has a master plan that makes it more of a viable business than all the rest.\nThat’s Voxer, maker of the free walkie-talkie app, which today is launching paid apps and subscription services for businesses.\nVoxer Pro — which will include “extreme notifications” that escalate if a person doesn’t pick up, and “live interrupt” mode for selected contacts, like old-school push-to-talk — will be a $2.99 in-app upgrade to the free app. And Voxer Pro for Business, which will include an admin portal and a live map of team members, will cost $4.95 today and then $9.95 starting later this year, when additional features come out.\nBoth of those are launching on Android and iPhone today, and coming to Windows Phone soon.\nSelling enterprise apps and services was the secret plan all along, according to Voxer CEO Tom Katis, who founded the company in 2007 out of annoyance with military communication when he was serving in the U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan. After years of work and scrapped efforts, the current Voxer app debuted in 2011.\nKatis’s solution lies somewhere between mobile messaging and live conversation, with users able to speed through a voice message and start talking back to the sender live if they are both available.\n“It’s hard to explain intellectually, even though the app is simple to use,” Katis said. “So we just launched the free version so people would think it was useful.”\nVoxerProAlong the way, Voxer got caught up in the consumer mobile messaging craze. It had the 13th most-downloaded iOS app in 2012. And it raised $30 million from Institutional Venture Partners, Intel and other investors when it was shooting up the growth charts.\nBut those investors were clued in on the plan to eventually sell Voxer to “people who value response time over etiquette,” such as those working in a trucking business, driving taxis or serving in the military, according to Katis.\n“Going after consumers is a race to the bottom,” Katis argued. “We’re not just another texting app. We increase productivity in ways that nothing else satisfies.”\nWhen Voxer mapped out its users’ social graphs, it found dense networks of people who were already putting the product to work. For instance, 21,000 Mary Kay cosmetics sales reps were already using the service, Katis said. Voxer Pro beta testers include a cab company in New York and a window-cleaning company in Seattle.\nKatis said he would like to build the Nextel of the future, with a lucrative business model supported by loyal users of this near-live mobile technology — for which Voxer has some 94 issued patents.\nThe key to understanding Voxer, Katis said, is how fast it transitions users into live conversations. Today, when a Voxer user stops pushing the record button, their correspondent usually starts talking within two to four seconds.\n“The more it’s live, the more it’s used,” Katis said.

\n","css":"","id":"/facevox/fa873990-684f-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","created":"2016-08-22T10:05:40.475Z","modified":"2016-08-22T10:05:56.190Z","backgroundColor":"#fff","uuid":"fa873990-684f-11e6-85af-63c024fbbd16","_editable":false},{"domain":null,"_events":{"done":[null,null,null]},"_maxListeners":10,"owner":"sri","viewers":[],"editors":[],"password":null,"tags":[],"type":"note","space":"/facevox","x":7686,"y":40698,"z":108,"width":408.59999990463257,"height":199.59999990463257,"connections":[],"m":0,"title":"voxer patents","format":"raw","content":"COMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE\nPublication number: 20130176911\nAbstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode.\nType: Application\nFiled: March 1, 2013\nPublication date: July 11, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC\nTIME-SHIFTING FOR PUSH TO TALK VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS\nPublication number: 20130172038\nAbstract: A network communication device located on a Push To Talk (PTT) communication network and configured to provide time-shifting capabilities to a user of a PTT communication device is disclosed. The network communication device includes a receiver configured to progressively receive time-based media. The network communication device also includes a time-shifting buffer for progressively storing the received time based media as the time-based media is received and a time-shifting buffer controller configured to control the rendering of the time-based media at the PTT device.\nType: Application\nFiled: February 14, 2013\nPublication date: July 4, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: Voxer IP LLC\nGRACEFUL DEGRADATION FOR COMMUNICATION SERVICES OVER WIRED AND WIRELESS NETWORKS\nPublication number: 20130158988\nAbstract: A method for gracefully extending the range and/or capacity of voice communication systems is disclosed. The method involves the persistent storage of voice media on a communication device. When the usable bit rate on the network is poor and below that necessary for conducting a live conversation, voice media is transmitted and received by the communication device at the available usable bit rate on the network. Although latency may be introduced, the persistent storage of both transmitted and received media of a conversation provides the ability to extend the useful range of wireless networks beyond what is required for live conversations. In addition, the capacity and robustness in not being affected by external interferences for both wired and wireless communications is improved.\nType: Application\nFiled: February 14, 2013\nPublication date: June 20, 2013\nApplicant: Voxer IP LLC\nInventor: Voxer IP LLC\nTELECOMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA MANAGEMENT METHOD AND APPARATUS\nPublication number: 20130058328\nAbstract: A telecommunication and multimedia management apparatus and method that supports voice and other media communications and that enables users to: (i) participate in multiple conversation modes, including live phone calls, conference calls, instant voice messaging or tactical communications; (ii) review the messages of conversations in either a live mode or a time-shifted mode and to seamlessly transition back and forth between the two modes; (iii) participate in multiple conversations either concurrently or simultaneously; (iv) archive the messages of conversations for later review or processing; and (v) persistently store media either created or received on the communication devices of users. The latter feature enables users to generate or review media when either disconnected from the network or network conditions are poor and to optimize the delivery of media over the network based on network conditions and the intention of the users participating in conversations.\nType: Application\nFiled: November 1, 2012\nPublication date: March 7, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC\nCOMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE\nPublication number: 20130041663\nAbstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode.\nType: Application\nFiled: October 12, 2012\nPublication date: February 14, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC","htmlContent":"

COMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE\nPublication number: 20130176911\nAbstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode.\nType: Application\nFiled: March 1, 2013\nPublication date: July 11, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC\nTIME-SHIFTING FOR PUSH TO TALK VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS\nPublication number: 20130172038\nAbstract: A network communication device located on a Push To Talk (PTT) communication network and configured to provide time-shifting capabilities to a user of a PTT communication device is disclosed. The network communication device includes a receiver configured to progressively receive time-based media. The network communication device also includes a time-shifting buffer for progressively storing the received time based media as the time-based media is received and a time-shifting buffer controller configured to control the rendering of the time-based media at the PTT device.\nType: Application\nFiled: February 14, 2013\nPublication date: July 4, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: Voxer IP LLC\nGRACEFUL DEGRADATION FOR COMMUNICATION SERVICES OVER WIRED AND WIRELESS NETWORKS\nPublication number: 20130158988\nAbstract: A method for gracefully extending the range and/or capacity of voice communication systems is disclosed. The method involves the persistent storage of voice media on a communication device. When the usable bit rate on the network is poor and below that necessary for conducting a live conversation, voice media is transmitted and received by the communication device at the available usable bit rate on the network. Although latency may be introduced, the persistent storage of both transmitted and received media of a conversation provides the ability to extend the useful range of wireless networks beyond what is required for live conversations. In addition, the capacity and robustness in not being affected by external interferences for both wired and wireless communications is improved.\nType: Application\nFiled: February 14, 2013\nPublication date: June 20, 2013\nApplicant: Voxer IP LLC\nInventor: Voxer IP LLC\nTELECOMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA MANAGEMENT METHOD AND APPARATUS\nPublication number: 20130058328\nAbstract: A telecommunication and multimedia management apparatus and method that supports voice and other media communications and that enables users to: (i) participate in multiple conversation modes, including live phone calls, conference calls, instant voice messaging or tactical communications; (ii) review the messages of conversations in either a live mode or a time-shifted mode and to seamlessly transition back and forth between the two modes; (iii) participate in multiple conversations either concurrently or simultaneously; (iv) archive the messages of conversations for later review or processing; and (v) persistently store media either created or received on the communication devices of users. The latter feature enables users to generate or review media when either disconnected from the network or network conditions are poor and to optimize the delivery of media over the network based on network conditions and the intention of the users participating in conversations.\nType: Application\nFiled: November 1, 2012\nPublication date: March 7, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC\nCOMMUNICATION APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONVERSATIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE MEDIA TYPES IN EITHER A REAL-TIME MODE OR A TIME-SHIFTED MODE\nPublication number: 20130041663\nAbstract: A communication application configured to support a conversation among participants over a communication network. The communication application is configured to (i) support one or more media types within the context of the conversation, (ii) interleave the one or more media types in a time-indexed order within the context of the conversation, (iii) enable the participants to render the conversation including the interleaved one or more media types in either a real-time rendering mode or time-shifted rendering mode, and (iv) seamlessly transition the conversation between the two modes so that the conversation may take place substantially live when in the real-time rendering mode or asynchronously when in the time-shifted rendering mode.\nType: Application\nFiled: October 12, 2012\nPublication date: February 14, 2013\nApplicant: VOXER IP LLC\nInventor: VOXER IP LLC
