

Get established as StickerGiant Chief Strategy Officer.

sri 10 years ago


  • Because I can really help them grow their business so that it's a major employer in the region.
  • Because I am inspired.
  • Because John has built my dream and I want to build with him into the future.
  • Because stickers are an advertising medium and should proliferate as a key marketing tool from now on.
  • Because I can fix their web order funnel.
  • Because I want to get out to Boulder often.
  • I just need my travel expenses paid and a commission on growth.
  • I am going to use all of my skills to win every market I can.
  • Because I can handle a market penetration strategy.
  • Because only a tiny percent of small businesses print stickers so far.
  • Because organic growth is not enough.
  • Because other companies may absorb all of these other markets.
  • because I'm immediately LOYAL to those folks out there.
  • Because those folks are KIDS compared to Andrea who would destroy them.
sri 10 years ago

Looking at their website

There is no "type into the Web" type tool, and I doubt they have an APP yet.

sri 10 years ago


from metaspace or from Space Settings.

Why? Because I start creating notes in a space named like "aug12" and then realize, wait, this is turning out to be about a specific thing (stickergiant) and I want to rename it to stickergiant so that I know what's in it next time.

You don't actually name a Word document until you hit Ctrl-S, so you start typing into a document called Untitled 1 until you save it.

sri 10 years ago

Chief Strategy Officer

A Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), or chief strategist, is an executive who is responsible for assisting the chief executive officer with developing, communicating, executing, and sustaining strategic initiatives.

Today many CEOs have less time to devote to executing strategy while at the same time uncertain environments increase the need for professional strategy development.[1][2] As a result, Presidents and CEOs in academic, nonprofit and corporate organizations are appointing CSOs.[3][4] In recent years, the CSO position increased in popularity, which is reflected by the high number of US companies (nearly 50% of S&P 500 firms) who created CSO positions in their top management teams.[5]

Chief strategy officer is a consultative role; part leader and part doer, an experienced visionary, an experienced executive with the responsibility of ensuring that execution supports the strategy elements. This unique background takes a multitude of different operating experiences, must include being both a creative thinker and influential collaborator.[6] Chief strategy officers are often executives who have worn many hats before at a variety of companies or agencies before taking on the responsibilities and tasks that come with the job title.[7][8]

The typical responsibilities of a CSO include:[9]

Communicating and implementing a company's strategy internally and externally so that all employees, partners, suppliers, and contractors understand the company-wide strategic plan and how it carries out the company's overall goals. Driving decision-making that creates medium- and long-term improvement. Establishing and reviewing key strategic priorities and translating them into a comprehensive strategic plan. Monitoring the execution of the strategic plan. Facilitating and driving key strategic initiatives through inception phase. Ensuring departmental/unit strategic planning projects reflect organizational strategic priorities. Partnering with institutional leadership, special committees, and consultants to support execution of key initiatives. Developing inclusive planning processes. Translating strategies into actionable and quantitative plans. Mobilizing and managing teams of individuals charged with executing strategies. Acting as a resource across an organization to increase broad cohesion for strategic plans. In terms of the CSO’s role, which varies significantly from organization to organization and evolves over time, the two basic roles strategy developer and strategy implementer are observable.[10] This dichotomy can be further divided into four CSO archetypes.[11]

Internal Consultant: focused almost exclusively on strategy formulation. Specialist: have specialized skills that are not otherwise present within an organization. Coach: work to provide information to strategy creators and facilitate communication between teams, team members and stakeholders. Change Agents: facilitate and enable. Chief Global Strategist

A chief global strategist (CGS) is one of the highest-ranking corporate officers, administrators, corporate administrators, executives, or executive officers, in charge of the global strategy and the domestic and international expansion of a corporation, company, organization, or agency.

The position is a relatively new one in the private sector and a reflection of the influence of globalization upon companies and other organizations that seek to expand their influence, whether as a matter of necessity to survive or the exploration of an opportunity.

A prominent example is Howard Schultz of Starbucks who was chairman and CEO but in 2000 left the position of CEO to become chief global strategist. Schultz returned to his previous role of chief executive officer on January 18, 2008.[12]

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago


Imagine if you just came to metanotes and saw an empty GOAL note and you start typing. Then you see a Why? note pop up after you Save the GOAL note.

And only after you've filled in the Why note and hit Save are you prompted to name this Space. Until then it's "Untitled 3"...

You don't have to "create a new space" to start using Ommwriter. You just boot it up and start typing. I like that a lot. No need to worry about "what should I name this space" or "what is this space about?"

sri 10 years ago